The Garden of St Teresa
[File Recovered]
This internal Black Watch electronic dossier was recently recovered from a partially destroyed [redacted] found in the effects of Station Agent [redacted] during an investigation into their apparent [redacted] which resulted in [entire descriptive paragraph redacted].
This e-dossier was encrypted using a program called Twine and is reproduced here as required by Black Watch record-keeping protocols.
This ‘case file’ contains the only remaining information (police reports, internal documents, schematics, etc.) regarding The Black Watch’s investigation into entity E-260 – referred to, by Station Agent [redacted] as “The Garden of St Teresa”.
[Click Here to Access Case File]


ESRU Files: The Case of the Missing Hikers
story by ZedDb & DMFO
Hikers, why does it always have to be hikers!, Agent Samara muttered to herself. She was growing tired of having to take these long trips out into the wilderness in the ESRU protective suit. However, she was thankful that this time she didn’t have to wear a protective helmet. Especially during a hot summer day like this, she would have been a grumpy sweaty mess by the end of this mission…
[Click Here to Read PDF]


Click Here to enter the Resident Virus Gallery by OLDMANJAAY


TRIBUTE — 2012 by Creativore


COMMISSION — 2017 by Creativore